Whiskers and Wine Bar, San Diego

 My Mother's Day treat was a visit to Whiskers and Wine Bar for lunch and cat time.  The cats are a soothing presence.  One was playing with a toy mouse, most were sleeping and one hopped into my lap to demand pets.  I enjoyed a very good cocktail (The French Kitty) and ate a flat bread with brie, prosciutto and fig.

The bar is two floors.  The upstairs is a pretty, open-air space with cat beds and hammocks and plenty of roaming space.  The cats are able to go upstairs as they please.  There were three cats hanging out and one lounging on the stairs.  The downstairs is the entrance with another small space for cats.  Most of the cats were downstairs enjoying naps.  The cats are all very shiny and well cared for.  There were oranges, tabbies, tuxedos and more.   

Daytime cats are drowsy cats.  They all seemed to enjoy a quick scratch and a few were interested in playing with the toys.  The cats also have a private area they can retreat to, if they need to get away from it all.  We saw about twelve cats, who were out and about.

The menu is nice with many options for a light meal.  There are many specialty cocktails to choose from.  Because of health code rules, they can't serve you in the cat area, so you grab your food and drinks at the entrance and then can sit with the kitties anywhere you choose.  We easily found parking on a side street.

This is an experience for relaxing.  I would recommend bringing a book, if you don't have a friend to chat with.  

                                                        A nice spot upstairs to eat and watch the cats

                                                        I ate most of this before I remembered to take a picture



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