Ecovivarium in Escondido, CA
Ecovivarium is a refuge for snakes, lizards and spiders. There are two types of tours. We took the silver tour. The other tour always you to hold an animal.
The tour was fun and very informative. We met so many interesting animals. We saw tegus, skinks, tarantulas, tortoises, turtles, iguanas and more. The lizards had definite personalities and were very alert and interested in us. We had the opportunity to touch many of the animals. There were several children on our tour and they were captivated.
The Ecovivarium does the important work of providing homes for abandoned pets. It was sad to hear some of the stories, but the animals have a good home now.
A tegu with beautiful markingsBall python
Leopard gecko
That is an adorable face
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